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Take-off of the next step for the “Bill Gates” Bilingual School Complex

On May 3rd 2014, the “Bill Gates” Bilingual School Complex received our technical team for the installation of kebisu, the web tutoring platform offered by GetReady. The process was made easy by the fact that the school already had a well equipped IT room : a 15 computers LAN.

The date is important for the school management staff, confident that using this platform will really take their students to a next step and improve not only the quality of their education but also the professionalism of their teachers. It is also a great day for the GetReady team, as “Bill Gates” Bilingual School Complex is the first beneficiary of their initiative.

Next step : train the teachers to allow them to help the students to use the platform as early as the beginning of the next scholar year, and to be able to add customized educational resources to the platform when needed.


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