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GetReady’s impact for the school year 2014/2015 officially presented

We are sincerely grateful to WeTech (Women Enhancing Technology‬), ITISS and SERSYS, our partners, and to all our supporters. The first year of GetReady’s activities induced valuable outcomes not only for beneficiary girls, but also for their educators, and for all our team. ‪The official closing ceremony of this first year of activities is now a date, and the rising of a promising second year of activities.

This closing ceremony has been an occasion to inform our community about what we already did, and what we intend to do. We have been pleased to have within our guests, representatives from 4 Cameroonian ministries, from the US Embassy, and from private companies. The event included :
– presentation of activities performed during the school year 2014/2015,
– beneficiaries, partners and supporters addresses,
– information about how to get involved in GetReady,
– announcement of perspectives for next year.

Impact presented include:
– 4 beneficiary primary and secondary schools, including a pilot site
– More than 117 girls among 298 individuals, sensitized about the importance and opportunity to get more girls and women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)     fields, and equipped to better succeed in these fields
– 2 IT rooms created, and 1 upgraded, free of charges for the beneficiaries
– 3 STEM talks organized in schools for students, teachers and parents, preceded by kick-off events
– 4 installations of Kebisu, GetReady’s tutoring platform, free of charges for the beneficiaries
– 2 teachers training sessions, to help them use and teach their students how to use ICT in general and Kebisu in particular, as a useful educational tool
– 1 workshop for teachers and school managers to assess the 1st year of activities, and prepare the coming one.


Remarquable words from a beneficiary
Watchful attendants …
… including active beneficiaries parents
Encouraging words of Ms. Gladys Viban, a US Embassy representative, to GetReady’s team
Active support of the Cameroonian TechWomen community
At the end of the day, happy GetReady team members, supporters and beneficiaries. A hearty thank you!

PO Box : 13832 Nkolfoulou Yaounde
Phone: 00237 655 214 000

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